Sunday, January 21, 2007

Day 21: I thought 15 miles was enough...

So I ran a 15-mile equivalent at the gym today (10 on treadmill, 5 on elliptical with a high cadence and ramp). At about 2 1/4 hours, one woman who'd come through the gym several times for one of the workshops in the back, stopped right in front of me and said, "Ok, so how many miles have you run so far?" I was quite surprised, but I just told her "It'll be 15". "Fifteen!" she echoed with brows raised, and turned away with a shake of the head.

I got so pumped I jogged another mile for my cooldown. Next to me was a hulking, musclebound dude who thought it was cool to grunt and groan and moan out his excruciating efforts: 1 min jog alternating 5 min walk. He made a big show of his laborious shuffle, and made one hell of a lot of noise. By then I was at mile 12 and I just laughed at him; he stared at me like I was from outer space.

Meanwhile, I learned the secret of Friday's elliptical machine adventure: #3 does have different (lighter) calibration. How did I figure that out? Well I watched as a woman went up to the guy currently using #3 and said, "How long are you going to be on there? Because the limit is 30 minutes." Said guy replies in confusion, gesturing to either side of him, "What's wrong with the other 4 machines?" (note the gym is practically empty). She returned: "But I really want to use THIS machine." Voila! I was choking back my giggles from my spot on the treadmill. I kind of feel sorry for her; but just kinda - idiocy doesn't get a medal anymore.

I went home and stoked the human machine with Paul & Amanda's tasty leftovers and coffee, then headed out for swimming - a slow jog to Bank/ Laurier. As luck would have it, the #4 came 5 mins early and I was left staring at the back of it while it hurtled down Bank St. I didn't want to risk being late so I continued my jog down to Gladstone, jumped on the #1, and got off at Sunnyside because that's where my bike shop is, and I know that my bike shop is supposed to be close to Carleton (ok, bad logic but it was all I had!) I turned right and jogged down the nearest street, hoping my internal honing device was working ... lo and behold, 10 mins later I saw the "Welcome to Carleton, Home of the Ravens" sign and I was never so happy to get there. I continued my mile-eater jog to the front door of the gymnasium and hustled all the way to the pool.

I was 5 minutes early.

My cute (but short) swim instructor with the green eagle tatooed on his back then tells me to swim 100m of front crawl, 25m of back and 50m of breaststroke, and if I touch bottom it'll be more pullups. "Wait," I say, "I can't even do a proper stroke!" Too late, he's got his stopwatch and it's do or die. "We're working on fitness!" he exclaims.

How ironic.

Total mile tally: 15 + 2 warmup/ cooldown + 3 to Carleton = 20 miles
How long is a marathon? 26.2 miles

Dinner (first meal of day): Leftover chicken and rice casserole (free! Thanks to Amanda & Paul), 2 cups coffee, 1 cup milk, 1 cup chocolate milk $1.22
Snack: Tofu sandwich (3 slices bread, 1/2 pkg tofu, 1 onion, 3 packets free ketchup), 2 cups chocolate milk $2.24
Other: 1 cup OJ, 3/4 scoop protein powder, multivitamin, glucosamine, C $1.20

Day 21 Total: $4.66

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