Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Day 10: It is good to have friends who cook.

I won't write much today, I'm still ruminating on the wonderful feast I had tonight - thanks to Ang & Mike. Spaghetti with homemade sauce (mushrooms, beef, peppers... mmm) dressed with olives and cheese, whole-wheat garlic toast, a REAL milkshake (courtesy of Mike and his fancy Hamilton Beach milkshake-making gadget - now I want one to make protein shakes with!), and some old-fashioned candy necklaces (don't ask).

Here's part of the dinner invite I received last night from the coolest people on earth:
You are coming to our house for dinner tomorrow night!
We are having spaghetti, and if you don't get your butt here we are going to call the police, and send you to jail!
Because frankly people in prison are being fed better than you!!! [...]
We read your blog, and there is no need for you to go hungry when you have peeps to feed you :D

see you soon!

Ang, Mike, Dusty & Bandit
(To clarify, Dusty & Bandit don't do a lot of cooking or inviting, being canine and feline respectively). So this was a real treat.

Not only that, but I was sent off into the (newly frigid) winter weather with leftover tomato sauce, some chocolate, and 2 cans of Beeferoni (hey, nostalgia!). Moral of the story is, you just gotta get yourself some good friends who can cook (nope, I'm not telling ya where they live).

Many thanks, and compliments to the chef(s)!!

Breakfast: 125g dry cereal, 2 cups of coffee $0.74
Lunch: 4 cups vegetable-barley soup, tea, 1/2 granola bar (free! Thanks Paul), 1 packet instant organic oatmeal $1.35
Dinner: Spaghetti with meat sauce, whole-wheat garlic toast, chocolate milkshake (free! Thanks Ang & Mike) $0.00
Snack:1 cup splitpea soup with ham, 1 cup chocolate milk $0.47
Other: Tea, 1/2 of Mike's chocolate bar, Multivitamin & Ca/ D: $0.23

Day 10 Total: $2.79

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