Monday, January 15, 2007

Day 15: Halfway done!

Only 16 more days of this rationing left! I am envisioning a Cora's brunch with UNLIMITED coffee... heaven!

Many thanks to Angèlie who invited me over for a tasty dinner and convinced me I should be studying instead of hitting the gym. As it turns out, she was right... again! I just must have this marathon thing on the brain... yes I know, it's not 'til May 27.

Breakfast: Peanut butter sandwich, 2 cups coffee $0.80
Lunch: 1 can of Mike's Beeferoni* (free!), mixed field greens, apple, 1/2 peanut butter sandwich, tea (free! Sample in mail) $1.75
Dinner: Pizza, Greek salad, chicken fingers, tea & brownie (Free! Thanks Ang) $0.00
Other: Multivitamin, 1 cup hot cocoa $0.65

Day 15 Total: $3.20
*Surprisingly, canned Beeferoni is not that bad: no preservatives, sugar ISN'T the first ingredient, and there are real veggies in it. I couldn't personally SEE any but that's beside the point.

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