Monday, June 25, 2007

You can run, but you can't hide

I just have to mention this... my sports-minded uncle - father to my accomplished athlete cousin - was surfing the internet recently and just happened to do a search for me on Sportstats.

Yes, I've already promised to keep him posted with my events but purposefully neglected to email him after the Riverkeeper's horrific plodding. It was an event I'd rather just forget about; or well, chalk it up to experience! (I did enjoy the banana afterwards, so all was not lost).

And he writes an email with some encouragement that I SORELY (no pun intended) need right now:

"Just want you to know we're proud of you sweetie & keeping track of you (you can't escape). This internet can locate anyone, at any time - fantastic! Keep me in the loop. [...] Let me know when your first Tri is ok? If you forget in your busy life, I'll still find you. Enjoy!!!"

Oh man, sometimes my family is just the greatest.

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