Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Scavengers in the Night

First some business about recycling Brita water filters: it can’t be done. Not now, not in Canada anyways (see an explanation here). The University of Ottawa claims that the City will do it through the Take it Back program, however it's not currently listed and I assume that was a mistake. Altogether, considering that a Brita filter takes up substantially less landfill space than hundreds of plastic bottles, not to mention the new notion that filtered water is better for your health and the environment than bottled water, I’d still think it to be a wise choice.

I have used the Take it Back links before though, mainly to dispose of used clothing and shoes and do research on where certain batteries should be recycled. It's a great resource. Also recently, I've found that leaving your old furniture on the curb (at this time of year anyways) can actually be an effective way to recycle. I have observed - right from my window overlooking the street! - week after week, the most incredible household detritus being salvaged by students and others who've recently moved. Bookshelves that seem barely fit for firewood disappear into dilapidated pick-up trucks under the cover of night. A dresser, standing bare without its drawers, garners excited whispers as young couples promise to return later for its rescue. While I still would recommend using Take it Back and Freecycle, if you live in a busy neighbourhood that favours students and other bargain-hunters you might have an easy time of it.

Well the post title could also refer to my penchant for midnight snacking, even though...

It’s taper week before Sunday’s marathon. I should have lots of time now that my workouts are curtailed. But somehow I’ve managed to fill it with … reading. Eating, sleeping, reading, and chillin’ all week. Forget the usual fare: on global warming, rational mysticism, the looming energy crisis, world politics, city planning, other apocalyptic scenarios. It’s one whole week of FICTION, folks, and what a treat it is, what a relief!

So far in 4 days, 4 books:
* The Beauty Box (Bonnie Dunlop)
* The Broker (John Grisham)
* Kite Runner (Khaled Hosseini)… amazing!
* Veronica (Mary Gaitskill)

Interestingly enough, I have to moderate my food intake this week (no more carbo-loading for me) since my eyes are so much bigger than my stomach now. Amazing what cutting a few long workouts will do. I ate almost 1 lb (unpacked, that’s about one square foot in volume) of mixed salad greens & spinach last night (bad idea) in my chicken salad, plus half a bag of Farm Boy Tostitos & yogurt, which I would've handled fine on any other week. You could have rolled me down the street after. However I still made room for gelato.

The Skorpion gelato at Sugar Mountain is INSANELY good and I highly recommend it. As you may guess, it’s Skor-flavoured. Pair it with the dark chocolate and you’ve got a winning combination.

In other news, my apartment door is fixed!! It actually opens and closes smoothly now, sans le squeaking. There is a nice, soft thud when the door swings to a close. It even locks on the first try. I’m elated.

Now just to deal with those mysterious sounds coming from under the sink, add a bit more furniture, and it’ll be a real Par-tay chez moi.

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