Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Do you have Affluenza? Take this quiz.

Affluenza... It's a highly contagious and devastating illness. It threatens your happiness, your health, and your family life.

Test your consumption quotient to learn about the disease, then self-diagnose yourself with this quiz. But do not fear, it's a curable condition, and you'll be on your feet in no time.

1 comment:

acommunist said...

not sure if you managed to grab it somewhere, but there was a great column by eric reguly sometime recently about how cascades, a paper product company based in québec, has managed to remain profitable (whereas virtually the entire forestry product sector in québec is getting screwed up the ass) because something like 60% of its paper products are made from recycled paper (it helps that most of this comes from the us, so they've benefitted from the falling US dollar - whereas canadian companies who remain dependent on logging for supply have not).
