Sunday, November 26, 2006

To Bus or Not to Bus

Green or not, I have to admit that sometimes the bus just sucks. Or at least taking it does. On the way out to the pool for my swim lessons, I had the privilege of sitting in a crowded, hot and smelly #7 for a good half hour. Even in November, the BO was terrible (yes, I've been accused of having an extra keen sense of smell... but still!).

I've always hated buses, they always seem full of noisy teenagers, drunkards, and mindlessly staring folks who may be less than freshly showered....

On the other hand, I need to work on my patience and ability to let the little stuff slide. I still prefer walking and cycling to "bussing" ... fresh air kicks ass, and waiting? Who the hell likes waiting?

It really has to do with one's perception of distance. If you walk or jog along certain routes and they become familiar, the journey doesn't seem so far. I also find that my perception of distance changes over the seasons. During a beautiful spring or fall day, a 1-hour walk (oh say, to the bike shop!) is a pleasure, and in no way compares to a 45-min bus ride to get to the same place! However in the middle of February when it's -25 C, a 10-minute walk to the grocery store might as well be a polar expedition.


Null said...

I recommend route #4; it's 30 minutes from Rideau Centre and is usually serviced by an articulated bus so there's more room to avoid those damned teenagers.

PA said...

Yeah, that's my alternate route to the Carleton pool! The problem for me is that I'm always travelling in the evening when OC Transpo tends to shrink the bus sizes.

The good news though, is that I can usually get there, have my lesson, and get back all on one bus ticket... that's my Dutch cheapness eh?