Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Styrofoam & the Homeless

Our North American way of life is a "disposable" culture, born of our inability to see the finite nature of our resources. Isn't this our vast and glorious land, sea-to-sea-to-sea? What's a few styrofoam cups here and there?

We can always ship our trash to Michigan, and let those nasty Americans deal with it. Perhaps we'll build a dump out in the country; nevermind the rural folk who have to see and smell our trash every day, the animals whose habitats are now contaminated, the desecration of land.

"I just gotta have my meal to go, do you have any styrofoam?" Says the hungry guy in line at the local soup kitchen.


I volunteer at that soup kitchen. Meals-to-go are not allowed there. Where d'ya gotta go, guy? What's so pressing you can't take 5 minutes to enjoy your free, hot food?

Eventually we'll be seeing all those styrofoam cups. And our children, and theirs. Styrofoam will never decompose.

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