Friday, September 14, 2007


Well, the first yoga class was great. Afterwards, it felt like I had just had a back massage, because finally the pain and tension was eased. Now if I could just fix the bike problem…

Swam yesterday, first time in a month. It felt good to get in the water, but I realized how little I’ve actually progressed in the past year… I’ve practically forgotten backstroke and breaststroke, and my kicking actually sends me backwards. I can barely kick for half of the 25m length. It’s time to re-think my strategy.

It’s also time to re-think my path in life. There’s a Buddhist saying that warns: “If we continue along this path, we’re liable to end up where we’re headed.” – or something to that effect. I’m not headed into a good place, that’s for sure. I already have some plans, but I won’t jinx them by stating them here.

For now, I’m not sure if, when or how often I will be updating this blog… there are some things I need to get in order first. So, dear readers, thanks for your attention thus far, and I wish you all the best of luck. When I know more... I will be back!

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