Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Paris' jail cell was more than half the size of my old apartment

Criminal Paris Hilton emerged from her 2.4m x 3.6m( 7.87' x 11.81' = 92.94 sq ft) prison cell recently, and bemoaned her case in the media.

Now as tragic as that is, even more tragic is the realization that her prison cell was about the same size as my old apartment, minus the bathroom and closet area (that would be the main living area, about 115 square ft out of a total of 175). Remember also that she didn't need kitchen facilities, nor did she need a bookshelf, clothes storage, or a road bike. In essence, she had MORE useful space. Solitary confinement, then, is much like living like a bachelor in a bachelor.

Of course, she didn't have two giant windows....and I NEVER ate "mystery meat" sandwiches. Pays to obey the law, huh Paris?

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