Wednesday, April 11, 2007


It's my last day of being 25... my youth is gone, my hair is going white, and I noticed two wrinkles on the right side of my forehead yesterday. On the bright side, I've decided that I've had a good and full life so far, living at the "pinnacle" of human progress (take that lightly!) in relative peace and prosperity. I have great friends, and have experienced many great moments during the last quarter century. Doesn't leave me too much to be sad about I guess, except the future of humanity ...

Overheard at Work (more proof of stupidity):

"Button, button, who took my button? The button I’ve been using all day is gone. "

That’s not really a bad word, it’s in the Bible… but I think they call it ‘procreation’.

Middle-aged woman: “How’s the baby doing?”
Retirement-aged man: “Good, good… she’s 8 months old now”
(Questioning looks exchanged among elevator passengers)
“She’s not mine, I mean she’s my grand-daughter … not that it couldn’t be, I mean, it definitely could be! Really, I still can!”

"Not Marie Antoinette… it’s Mario."

(To me): "Why can’t you eat pizza? Is it because of your biking?"

“Others may have found this information informative.”

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