Friday, November 24, 2006

The Truth about Paper Coffee Cups

Tonight was a breakthrough night: I swam my first-ever length of each front crawl and backstroke with relatively decent form. Considering that I started swimming lessons 4 weeks ago, I'm pretty proud of myself. So I went out to celebrate with coffee and Poptarts with my swim buddy/ coach. And it got me thinking about paper cups.

Although the "recycled" symbol on the cups and cardboard sleeves had tended to soothe my conscience, I had never really stopped to think about paper cups as landfill stuffers. Well as I learned today, due to the plastic liner bonded to the interior, paper coffee cups are NOT recyclable - even though they are made from recycled materials. So what's the best alternative?

A travel mug, of course, and from now on I'll be using mine more often. I have a good one from MEC: sexy blue, insulated and virtually unbreakable. Most coffee shops will even give you a discount for saving them the expense of a disposable cup.

Other news on the coffee cup front: biodegradable packaging, including coffee cups, is currently being developed (CBC article here). Hey, we have the science, but do we have the marketing prowess and the conviction needed to persuade the public to shell out an extra few cents on the morning cup 'o java?

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