In this work-and-spend world, "happiness" is simply a marketing gimmick.
We're taught that we "should" enjoy this and we "shouldn't" enjoy that. That drinking sharpens your social skills and helps you pick up the girls, that doing drugs is bad (but fun), that sex is a need and a requirement and basically the only consolation to our lonely, dreary mortality.
The cultural message today is that stuff will make us happy, and that in turn, happiness is what we want; that status gives us power, and that power is what we want; and overall, that what "everyone else" finds pleasurable and motivating is what YOU should find pleasureable and motivating. But as long as we all are individuals - with individual hopes, fears, beliefs and dreams - this message is entirely false.
We may strive for ideals that are infinite and undefined; joy, love, recognition, intimacy, companionship, peace, spiritual harmony, intellectual fulfillment, and something like Maslow's "self-actualization". Not all of us define or prioritize these ideals in the same way, and life is a journey which may not allow us to realize each of them.
Follow what you believe and don't be swayed by what "everyone else" thinks you should do, say, or enjoy. Forcing yourself to conform will only cause anger, unhappiness, and cognitive dissonance. Don't waste time ruminating on past failures and potential problems. Act in harmony with your values, with consideration for others, and - in everything - respect all life.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Sunday, November 26, 2006
To Bus or Not to Bus
Green or not, I have to admit that sometimes the bus just sucks. Or at least taking it does. On the way out to the pool for my swim lessons, I had the privilege of sitting in a crowded, hot and smelly #7 for a good half hour. Even in November, the BO was terrible (yes, I've been accused of having an extra keen sense of smell... but still!).
I've always hated buses, they always seem full of noisy teenagers, drunkards, and mindlessly staring folks who may be less than freshly showered....
On the other hand, I need to work on my patience and ability to let the little stuff slide. I still prefer walking and cycling to "bussing" ... fresh air kicks ass, and waiting? Who the hell likes waiting?
It really has to do with one's perception of distance. If you walk or jog along certain routes and they become familiar, the journey doesn't seem so far. I also find that my perception of distance changes over the seasons. During a beautiful spring or fall day, a 1-hour walk (oh say, to the bike shop!) is a pleasure, and in no way compares to a 45-min bus ride to get to the same place! However in the middle of February when it's -25 C, a 10-minute walk to the grocery store might as well be a polar expedition.
I've always hated buses, they always seem full of noisy teenagers, drunkards, and mindlessly staring folks who may be less than freshly showered....
On the other hand, I need to work on my patience and ability to let the little stuff slide. I still prefer walking and cycling to "bussing" ... fresh air kicks ass, and waiting? Who the hell likes waiting?
It really has to do with one's perception of distance. If you walk or jog along certain routes and they become familiar, the journey doesn't seem so far. I also find that my perception of distance changes over the seasons. During a beautiful spring or fall day, a 1-hour walk (oh say, to the bike shop!) is a pleasure, and in no way compares to a 45-min bus ride to get to the same place! However in the middle of February when it's -25 C, a 10-minute walk to the grocery store might as well be a polar expedition.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Let's keep the water clear, the sky blue and the moss green...!
Thanks to my talented friend Paul for the awesome pix; see more of his stuff here.

Top to bottom:
Wolfe Lake, Lake Superior, Bay of Fundy.
Technorati Profile

Top to bottom:
Wolfe Lake, Lake Superior, Bay of Fundy.
Technorati Profile
Green Living in Ottawa
Bet you didn't know this staid little city is home to two cutting-edge, ecologically-friendly, LEED-certified residential building projects! And what is LEED, you ask? It stands for "Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design," and LEED certification is a rating system developed by the U.S. Green Building Council.
What makes these condominiums different from all the other generic "white-box" homes? Well they use only about half of the energy and water required by other buildings: they are heated by geothermal energy, and are many times more efficient with regard to insulation. They also offer better indoor air quality, which is partly due to the usage of eco-friendly building materials and partly due to superior ventilation systems. The buildings also encourage enviro-friendly living with bicycle storage rooms, access to car-sharing programs, and the furnishing of new units with energy-efficient appliances.
Check out EcoCité in the Glebe and The Currents at Holland/ Wellington for more details.
What makes these condominiums different from all the other generic "white-box" homes? Well they use only about half of the energy and water required by other buildings: they are heated by geothermal energy, and are many times more efficient with regard to insulation. They also offer better indoor air quality, which is partly due to the usage of eco-friendly building materials and partly due to superior ventilation systems. The buildings also encourage enviro-friendly living with bicycle storage rooms, access to car-sharing programs, and the furnishing of new units with energy-efficient appliances.
Check out EcoCité in the Glebe and The Currents at Holland/ Wellington for more details.
Back to Basics with Swiss Hunks
Swiss tourism officials are banking on the "outdoorsy" appeal of their sexy young men in this commercial enticing women over the German border during the World Cup soccer tournament.
Evidence that communion with nature does indeed have its own allure! Watch Mr. Switzerland milk a cow and see for yourself.
Evidence that communion with nature does indeed have its own allure! Watch Mr. Switzerland milk a cow and see for yourself.
Friday, November 24, 2006
The Truth about Paper Coffee Cups
Tonight was a breakthrough night: I swam my first-ever length of each front crawl and backstroke with relatively decent form. Considering that I started swimming lessons 4 weeks ago, I'm pretty proud of myself. So I went out to celebrate with coffee and Poptarts with my swim buddy/ coach. And it got me thinking about paper cups.
Although the "recycled" symbol on the cups and cardboard sleeves had tended to soothe my conscience, I had never really stopped to think about paper cups as landfill stuffers. Well as I learned today, due to the plastic liner bonded to the interior, paper coffee cups are NOT recyclable - even though they are made from recycled materials. So what's the best alternative?
A travel mug, of course, and from now on I'll be using mine more often. I have a good one from MEC: sexy blue, insulated and virtually unbreakable. Most coffee shops will even give you a discount for saving them the expense of a disposable cup.
Other news on the coffee cup front: biodegradable packaging, including coffee cups, is currently being developed (CBC article here). Hey, we have the science, but do we have the marketing prowess and the conviction needed to persuade the public to shell out an extra few cents on the morning cup 'o java?
Although the "recycled" symbol on the cups and cardboard sleeves had tended to soothe my conscience, I had never really stopped to think about paper cups as landfill stuffers. Well as I learned today, due to the plastic liner bonded to the interior, paper coffee cups are NOT recyclable - even though they are made from recycled materials. So what's the best alternative?
A travel mug, of course, and from now on I'll be using mine more often. I have a good one from MEC: sexy blue, insulated and virtually unbreakable. Most coffee shops will even give you a discount for saving them the expense of a disposable cup.
Other news on the coffee cup front: biodegradable packaging, including coffee cups, is currently being developed (CBC article here). Hey, we have the science, but do we have the marketing prowess and the conviction needed to persuade the public to shell out an extra few cents on the morning cup 'o java?
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Lost in your (Living) Space?
Do you really need a 3-storey, 2-garage home in the suburbs? A big yard, long driveway, and a picket fence? A penthouse or luxury condo all to yourself? Well think again, because there are benefits to "downsizing" your living space:
Happiness isn't defined by the "stuff" you own, but is rather a function of the person you are and the person you are becoming.
For the last 4 years, I have lived in an apartment that measures less than 180 square feet. I am still alive and kicking - but just a bit claustrophobic.
- Cheaper rent/ mortgage/ initial cash outlay.
- Cheaper utility bills.
- Less energy wasted, and more efficient use of resources.
- Less time and money spent cleaning up/ mowing lawn/ renovating!
- Increasing population density may encourage social cohesion.
- Decreasing urban sprawl protects greenspace and wildlife.
- Represents a shift away from consumerism/ materialism.
Happiness isn't defined by the "stuff" you own, but is rather a function of the person you are and the person you are becoming.
For the last 4 years, I have lived in an apartment that measures less than 180 square feet. I am still alive and kicking - but just a bit claustrophobic.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Gym-towel Kleptos and the Social Trust
Today at the gym, while my back was turned in the women's changeroom (and literally in 1 minute) some poor drone swiped my gym towel. It was a very functional little towel, wheat-coloured and soft, with fine absorbent qualities - perfect for mopping off sweat during a particularly gruelling workout. It also cost $7 at the local Zellers.
What is so mystifying is her motive. What could she possibly want, on her way out of the gym, with my sweet little Downy-scented towel?
My latest theory is that this woman, who was a bit on the plump side, had a bad day and being at the gym was the last straw. She snapped; she saw my legs and decided to punish me for being a triathlete. Ok ok maybe not ... she's probably a kleptomaniac. But even more sinister: what kind of world do we live in when someone who can afford a gym membership deigns to steal a gym towel before your workout?
I pondered this during my 7 mile tempo run, with sweat pouring down my face and into my eyes, as I tried in vain to wipe my eyes and clear the stinging. All I can hope is that my towel will mean so much more to her than it ever did to me. And in this world, folks, if it isn't nailed down there is someone out there who will steal it.
If I see her next week at the gym and she is stupid enough to bring it along, I'd love to say "nice towel". I'd love to delve into her economic motive for this theivery, to find the point where her sense of entitlement began to trample the rights of others around her. I'd love to shake some respect into everyone for their fellow human. But mostly, I'd just like to be able to turn around for a minute in the changeroom at the YMCA and not have someone swipe my stuff.
What is so mystifying is her motive. What could she possibly want, on her way out of the gym, with my sweet little Downy-scented towel?
My latest theory is that this woman, who was a bit on the plump side, had a bad day and being at the gym was the last straw. She snapped; she saw my legs and decided to punish me for being a triathlete. Ok ok maybe not ... she's probably a kleptomaniac. But even more sinister: what kind of world do we live in when someone who can afford a gym membership deigns to steal a gym towel before your workout?
I pondered this during my 7 mile tempo run, with sweat pouring down my face and into my eyes, as I tried in vain to wipe my eyes and clear the stinging. All I can hope is that my towel will mean so much more to her than it ever did to me. And in this world, folks, if it isn't nailed down there is someone out there who will steal it.
If I see her next week at the gym and she is stupid enough to bring it along, I'd love to say "nice towel". I'd love to delve into her economic motive for this theivery, to find the point where her sense of entitlement began to trample the rights of others around her. I'd love to shake some respect into everyone for their fellow human. But mostly, I'd just like to be able to turn around for a minute in the changeroom at the YMCA and not have someone swipe my stuff.
Top 5 Reasons to use CFL
Incandescent bulbs are OUT folks, gone with the dinosaurs. There is a better alternative, and it is Compact Fluorescent Lighting - but no longer the slow-starting, flickering bulbs of the past. With the advent of cheaper and smaller bulbs, it's hard to understand why anyone still objects to switching over from the "dark side". Still need a reason to switch?
1. It's cheaper. Replacing a 60-watt incandescent bulb with a 15-watt fluorescent bulb will save you about $36 over the duration of its 10,000-hour rated life. Yes, that does adjust for the slightly higher price you pay at the store.
2. It's climate-friendly. Replacing that same 60-watt incadenscent bulb will also reduce CO2 emissions by 600 pounds during the 10,000-hour time period. Atmospheric CO2 is the major greenhouse gas implicated in global warming.
3. It's cooler. CFL emits only 30% of its energy as heat, while incandescent and halogen lights emit 90% of their energy as heat. This is why a fluorescent bulb requires only 1/3 the energy to produce a certain amount of light.
4. It's safer to use. CFL lasts about 10 times longer than traditional lighting, reducing the need to change bulbs in hard-to-reach places. The lower surface temperature of the bulb also reduces the risk of burns and other safety hazards.
5. It's trendy. Ok, truth is, concern for the environment is IN now. Jump on the bandwagon already.
1. It's cheaper. Replacing a 60-watt incandescent bulb with a 15-watt fluorescent bulb will save you about $36 over the duration of its 10,000-hour rated life. Yes, that does adjust for the slightly higher price you pay at the store.
2. It's climate-friendly. Replacing that same 60-watt incadenscent bulb will also reduce CO2 emissions by 600 pounds during the 10,000-hour time period. Atmospheric CO2 is the major greenhouse gas implicated in global warming.
3. It's cooler. CFL emits only 30% of its energy as heat, while incandescent and halogen lights emit 90% of their energy as heat. This is why a fluorescent bulb requires only 1/3 the energy to produce a certain amount of light.
4. It's safer to use. CFL lasts about 10 times longer than traditional lighting, reducing the need to change bulbs in hard-to-reach places. The lower surface temperature of the bulb also reduces the risk of burns and other safety hazards.
5. It's trendy. Ok, truth is, concern for the environment is IN now. Jump on the bandwagon already.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Styrofoam & the Homeless
Our North American way of life is a "disposable" culture, born of our inability to see the finite nature of our resources. Isn't this our vast and glorious land, sea-to-sea-to-sea? What's a few styrofoam cups here and there?
We can always ship our trash to Michigan, and let those nasty Americans deal with it. Perhaps we'll build a dump out in the country; nevermind the rural folk who have to see and smell our trash every day, the animals whose habitats are now contaminated, the desecration of land.
"I just gotta have my meal to go, do you have any styrofoam?" Says the hungry guy in line at the local soup kitchen.
I volunteer at that soup kitchen. Meals-to-go are not allowed there. Where d'ya gotta go, guy? What's so pressing you can't take 5 minutes to enjoy your free, hot food?
Eventually we'll be seeing all those styrofoam cups. And our children, and theirs. Styrofoam will never decompose.
We can always ship our trash to Michigan, and let those nasty Americans deal with it. Perhaps we'll build a dump out in the country; nevermind the rural folk who have to see and smell our trash every day, the animals whose habitats are now contaminated, the desecration of land.
"I just gotta have my meal to go, do you have any styrofoam?" Says the hungry guy in line at the local soup kitchen.
I volunteer at that soup kitchen. Meals-to-go are not allowed there. Where d'ya gotta go, guy? What's so pressing you can't take 5 minutes to enjoy your free, hot food?
Eventually we'll be seeing all those styrofoam cups. And our children, and theirs. Styrofoam will never decompose.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Orgasm for Peace
If the idea wasn't conceived by a couple of seniors, I wouldn't have given this 70s-era craziness a second glance. But I couldn't resist; see for yourself at
Now if only we could channel that meditative state and have people not only put down their guns and "make love, not war" but park those SUV's and "make love, not CO2". Oh, and all you lovebirds: don't forget the condoms, because overpopulation is still a problem.
Now if only we could channel that meditative state and have people not only put down their guns and "make love, not war" but park those SUV's and "make love, not CO2". Oh, and all you lovebirds: don't forget the condoms, because overpopulation is still a problem.
Sweeping Kyoto under the Rug
With this inaugural post I will point out the obvious: Canada has a dismal track record in regard to environmental policy. The Kyoto Accord is a farce; the target for developed nations was set at 6% below the 1990 baseline, but in Canada as of 2003, emissions were 23% OVER this target and continuing to rise. While it is tempting to lay the blame on Alberta for its oil, or Ontario for its industry, or truckers, or airplanes, or Stephen Harper himself, the responsibility is really an individual one; each and every one of us has a role to play in protecting the world around us, our air, water, and land.
The recent UN Climate Change Conference in Nairobi was an embarassing display of (environment minister) Rona Ambrose's pettiness, and a prime example of self-indulgent politicking. Whatever happened to the idea of Canadians being leaders - or even just challengers to our bullying American neighbours - on the world stage? Ironic even, as it is our own ice caps that are melting, our huge Northern regions that are experiencing the most measurable and direct effects of global warming. Ironic, as we are a diverse group of wealthy, tolerant and educated folk who have the resources and organizational structures available to make a difference, to stop this over-consumption and reduce environmental degradation.
It is incredibly unfair to expect developing nations to take the lead on renewable energy, waste management, and conservation. We who have benefitted from haphazard industrialization - and the wealth we borrowed from future generations - must take a leadership role in protecting our environment from further harm.
I don't always agree with Heather Mallick, but check out what she has to say about Ambrose's performance at the UN Climate Conference.
The recent UN Climate Change Conference in Nairobi was an embarassing display of (environment minister) Rona Ambrose's pettiness, and a prime example of self-indulgent politicking. Whatever happened to the idea of Canadians being leaders - or even just challengers to our bullying American neighbours - on the world stage? Ironic even, as it is our own ice caps that are melting, our huge Northern regions that are experiencing the most measurable and direct effects of global warming. Ironic, as we are a diverse group of wealthy, tolerant and educated folk who have the resources and organizational structures available to make a difference, to stop this over-consumption and reduce environmental degradation.
It is incredibly unfair to expect developing nations to take the lead on renewable energy, waste management, and conservation. We who have benefitted from haphazard industrialization - and the wealth we borrowed from future generations - must take a leadership role in protecting our environment from further harm.
I don't always agree with Heather Mallick, but check out what she has to say about Ambrose's performance at the UN Climate Conference.
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